Pilatus PC-12
Pilatus PC-12 Reference
Pratt & Whitney
Canada PT6A-67B Thermodynamic power 1,605 SHP Take-off power
1,200 SHP Climb/Cruise Power 1,000 SHP Specific fuel
0.538 lb/SHP/hr TBO
3,500 hrs Propeller, constant
speed 4
Blade, Hartzell Al Propeller speed
1700 RPM
Maximum Cruise Speed 270 KTAS Maximum Operating
Altitude 30,000
FT Maximum range at 30,000
FT 2,261 NM Rate of climb at sea
level 1,680
FPM Cabin altitude at 25,000
FT 8,000 FT Take-off distance, 50 FT 1,830 FT Landing distance, 50 FT 1,830 FT Maximum crosswind component: Flaps 00 30 KTS Flaps 400
15 KTS Stall speed, flaps 400 64 KIAS Maximum ramp weight 9,965 LBS Maximum take-off weight 9,920 LBS Maximum landing weight 9,920 LBS Basic operating weight 6,400 LBS Zero fuel weight 9,040 LBS Maximum payload w/full
fuel 3,108
LBS Useful load
4,233 LBS Usable fuel
402 US GAL Oil capacity
2.9 US GAL
VMO (maximum operating) 240 KIAS VNE (never exceed) 236 KIAS VD (maximum diving speed) 280 KIAS VRE (rotation)
80 KIAS Vx (best
angle of climb)
110 KIAS VY (best rate of climb) 120 KIAS VCLIMB (climb
airspeeds) 0’
160 KIAS 15,000’
150 KIAS 20,000’ 140 KIAS 25,000’
130 KIAS 30,000’
115 KIAS VA (design manuvering) 158 KIAS VFE (maximum 150 flaps) 163 KIAS VLE (maximum gear extended) 236 KIAS VLO (maximum gear operating) 177 KIAS VSI (stall, clean) 86
KIAS VSO (stall, landing configuration) 60 KIAS