Pilatus PC-12       





Pilatus PC-12 Checklist




          Cold Start-up

          Pre-Taxi and Taxi

          Before Take-Off






          Before Landing

          After Landing


          Quick Flying Guide





Normal Operating Instructions:



Cold Start-up:


[  ]    1. Generators 1 and 2 off

[  ]    2. Avionics off

[  ]    3. Lights and other electrical equipment off

[  ]    4. Set Conditioner lever to Cut-Off idle position

[  ]    5. Set Power Control lever to idle position

[  ]    6. Set brakes

[  ]    7. Turn Battery on

[  ]    8. Set Conditioner lever to Ground Idle

             [ Note: Do not move the Conditioner lever from Ground Idle

                         position before take-off ]

[  ]   9.   Fuel pumps 1 and 2 on

[  ]   10. Turn ignition on

[  ]   11. Press and hold the Starter switch on until engine started and

              then release


Pre-Taxi and Taxi:


[  ]   1.  Record time

[  ]   2.  Check AHRS 1 functioning, no flags

[  ]   3.  Check CAWS panel, no red lights

[  ]   4.  Check and setup autopilot

[  ]   5.  Set radios

[  ]   6. Set flaps to 150

[  ]   7. External lights as required

[  ]   8. Check brakes

[  ]   9. Check flight instruments


Before Take-off:


[  ]   1. Set parking brake

[  ]   2. Calculate take-off power

[  ]   3. Check fuel quantity

[  ]   4. Check engine instruments

[  ]   5. Check and set flight instruments

[  ]   6. Check flaps set to 150

[  ]   7. Check trim set to +3

[  ]   8. Check flight controls

[  ]   9. Set avionics including transponder if not set

[  ]   10. Review CAWS panel

[  ]   11. Test ice protection

[  ]   12. Check navigation and strobe lights on

[  ]   13. Check battery amps <15

[  ]   14. Release parking brake




[  ]   1.  Cross check headings

[  ]   2.  Check flaps set to 150

[  ]   3.  Check trim set to 3

[  ]   4.  Set Conditioner lever to Flight Idle

[  ]   5.  Yaw damper off

[  ]   6.  Set take-off power

[  ]   7.  Monitor engine instruments

[  ]   8.  Apply power to ~44.34 psi Torque

[  ]   9.  Rotate at ~80 KIAS




[  ]   1.   Initial climb at Vx or Vy

[  ]   2.   Retract landing gear

[  ]   3.   Retract flaps when >100 KIAS

[  ]   4.   Set Power to 36.9 psi Torque at ~150 KIAS

[  ]   5.   Climb at vertical speed of 1700 fpm

[  ]   6.   Climb airspeed under these conditions 160-170 KIAS

[  ]   7.   Ice protection as required

[  ]   8.   Ignition as required

[  ]   9.   Monitor engine instruments

[  ]   10. Transition altitude, 29.92" Hg




[  ]   1.  Ice protection as required

[  ]   2.  Set cruise Power according to altitude and/or airspeed

              [ See Table 1 for typical  settings above 15,000 feet]

[  ]   3.  Monitor engine instruments

[  ]   4.  Check AHRS 1 functioning, no flags

[  ]   5.  Check flight instruments

[  ]   6.  Monitor fuel quantity and balance

[  ]   7.  Set autopilot as required




[  ]   1.  Ice protection as required

[  ]   2.  Set Power according to descent airspeed

[  ]   3.  Monitor engine instruments

[  ]   4.  Transition level, set altimeters

[  ]   5.  Airspeed <236 KIAS




[  ]   1.  Check altimeters

[  ]   2.  Check fuel quantity and balance

[  ]   3.  Landing gear down at airspeeds <177 KIAS

[  ]   4.  Set flaps as required at  airspeeds <163 KIAS

[  ]   5.  Final approach at 100-120 KIAS with 150 flaps

[  ]   6.  Runway threshold at 80-100 KIAS with 30 or 400 flaps


Before Landing:


[  ]   1.  Set flaps as required

[  ]   2.  Check landing gear down, 3 green lights

[  ]   3.  Check autopilot disengaged

[  ]   4.  Check yaw damper off

[  ]   5.  Over runway power off, level off, and flare


After Landing:


[  ]   1.  Wheels down engage Reverse Throttle if necessary

[  ]   2.  Set Conditioner lever to Ground Idle position

[  ]   3.  Retract flaps fully

[  ]   4.  Set transponder to ground

[  ]   5.  Check ice protection off

[  ]   6.  External lights as required

[  ]   7.  Reset trim to +3




[  ]   1.  Set Power Control lever to minimum

[  ]   2.  Set Parking Brake

[  ]   3.  External lights and other electrical equipment off

[  ]   4.  Avionics buses 1 and 2 off

[  ]   6.  Generator buses 1 and 2 off

[  ]   7.  Stabilize ITT, 2 minutes

[  ]   8.  Conditioner lever set to Cut-Off Idle position to stop engine

[  ]   9.  Interior lights as required

[  ]   10. Review CAWS panel

[  ]   11. Record time

[  ]   12. Battery off at <10% Ng

[  ]   13. Install flight control lock

[  ]   14. Set chocks

[  ]   15. Check engine oil level

[  ]   16. Propeller anchors as required

[  ]   17. External covers as required





        PC-12 Flying Guide:


  1. Set conditioner lever to Flight Idle position
  2. Use 150 flaps for normal take-off
  3. Smoothly increase power to full
  4. Rotate at ~80 KIAS
  5. Raise landing gear when off ground
  6. Retract flaps when airspeed >100 KIAS
  7. Set climb to 1700-1800 fpm
  8. Keep full power until airspeed ~150 KIAS
  9. At ~150 KIAS decrease power to ~36.9 psi of torque

-at this power setting climb speed should be 160-170 KIAS

-climb at this airspeed up to 15,000 ft and then decrease

 airspeed 10 knots for each next higher 5000 ft change

     11.  Level off at desired altitude and adjust power

            -remember to keep under the maximum cruise speed of

             270 KTAS, and the maximum operating speed of 240 KIAS

     12.  Before starting descent bring power back to allow airspeed

            to decrease to a point where the descent speed will not

            exceed recommended speeds

      13.  Lower landing gear 10-20 nmiles before destination

      14.  Maintain 100-120 KIAS on approach with 150 flaps

                note: be aware on approach and landing that the

                         large flaps on this aircraft produce a lot of

                         drag that can slow the aircraft considerably.

                         You do not want to be at 80 knots or less

                         when applying 400 flaps unless you have

                         altitude for a stall recovery.

15.    Set airspeed to 80-90 knots on short final with 400 flaps

                 note: normally you do want to keep the power

                          between 13-14 psi torque on short final.

                          If you are at a power setting less than this

                          when you increase flaps to 400, the decrease

                          in airspeed  may not be compensated in time

                          by an increase in power owing to the few

                          seconds delay in turbine spool-up time.

16.    Aim to be at 80-90 KIAS over runway threshold

17.    Bring power back to 0 and flair

18.    Use reverse thrusters on ground to slow down if necessary

19.    Set conditioner lever to Ground Idle

20.    Taxi to destination spot, shut aircraft down.